Tiburon Rail Saw Blade for Miter Cuts- New with Sandwich Silent Core

Tiburon Rail Saw Blade for Miter Cuts- New with Sandwich Silent Core


Price: $249.95 - $299.95
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Tiburon Miter Balde -cuts Granite, Marble, Quartz, Dekton, Engineered Stone.
Yellow Blade is now Green.
3 sizes 14 "16 " 18" with 10mm segment  12 " coming soon
Sandwich Silent Core
This Blade also works for the Blue ripper Rail Saw and Miter saws.
10mm Segment Height Diamond Segmented Lazer Q slot and Sandwiched double Silent Core. This blade is excellent For Cutting Granite, Stone, Engineered Stone, Marble and Porcelain,Nano glass,Dekton.
60mm Arbor With Spacer to make 50mm.